Tuesday, November 25, 2008

Pecan Pickin'

If you're reading this blog months from now, this won't matter to you, but if you're reading this now, you know that it's actually December 7th, but I'm backdating it to November 25th. I'm REALLY behind aren't I? So far behind, that editing and posting 2 weeks worth of pics seems like too great a challenge. So I'm going to try to do a few a day until I'm all caught up. Hopefully that'll happen. :-)

For now, enjoy this pic of Dale, Thomas, and Jonathan with his pecan picker-upper. Dale, does it have a more official name? I can't remember it if it does. Both boys LOVED playing with it when we were in Lubbock for Thanksgiving. It's a pretty cool contraption if you ask me.

1 comment:

LC Photography said...

That's a neat thing to learn about and have hands on experience with.

Good colors.