Wednesday, November 5, 2008

My Tree Shot

Darn those cheap lenses! I can't stand the glare in Thomas' glasses. I took about 15 pictures of him in this tree at the Botanical Gardens and only this one with the cheesy smile doesn't have glare. Next time, I'm thinking it's worth getting a little better quality lens with an anti-glare coating. Just to save his mommy's photos would be worth it.


LC Photography said...

I support you buying a new lens to prevent glare from glasses, however I don't think that will be the answer. I learned the only way to prevent glare is one: take off the glasses or two: shot from above.

For this tree shot, you obviously couldn't get higher unless you climbed the tree yourself. However, when he is in front of you try to be a little higher instead of eye level.

That may help a little.

Or don't use the flash if there is enough light.

I have the same problem with Chad and his glasses.

BTW, I do like the tree shot.

LC Photography said...

Maybe you are talking about Thomas's lens????? Yes?


Yes, Thomas' cheapo glasses with the horrible glare in every important picture.