Saturday, November 1, 2008

Carnival Fun

Here are some pics from Halloween night. We went to the carnival at the church where Thomas went to MDO at 2. We've gone every year since then and always have a blast. This year we even made time for the bounce houses outside. Both boys loved it.
Jonathan LOVED playing the games. Played every single one. And every time, he picked lollipops as his prize. That boy loves his lollipops.
Thomas loved playing games too. He might be getting a little big for the preschool games but he played them all and then encouraged his brother to try it too.
We don't know why, but after playing several games, Jonathan decided that this posture was more effective when throwing something and did it the rest of the night. It was hilarious.

Check out their haul. This candy is from Boo At The Zoo, the carnival, and trick-or-treating from the two blocks closest to our house. I'm pretty sure that's enough.

1 comment:

LC Photography said...

Wow......that haul is quite the Motherload.

Great game pictures, love the one of Jonathan and his favorite candy.

I really like the one of Thomas throwing the ball. Good capture.