Thursday, May 22, 2008

The Bean

Is this an optical illusion? Nope. It's the underside of "The Bean," otherwise known as the Cloud Gate sculpture in Millenium Park. I think I'm in there about a million times. Look for me, I'm wearing a red jacket. :-)
Here's another view of it. It's impossible to shoot this without people in it. Maybe if you get out at dawn but we didn't want to get up that early when our children were at home waking their daddies up early and not us.


LC Photography said...

I think you are on the right side, yes?

This "art" looks like it spent too long in the dishwasher!!!

I like the top picture. The people in it give it a cool effect. A whole picture of the bean without people would have been awesome, but like you said, who wants to get up that early if you don't have to - you don't have that luxury very often.


Nope, I'm in the back middle in both shots.