Thursday, July 10, 2008

Important Photo Tip Here

When handing over your sophisticated digital SLR camera to someone who isn't as into photography as you, always switch it to Auto first. Doesn't matter if you've set the exposure exactly how you want in Manual mode if the person taking your photograph doesn't focus on your rarely-dressed-nicely family. All she had to do was point it straight at us and snap, but instead she angled the camera over to the birds on the right, unintentionally focused on them, and clicked. In Auto, it would have focused on us too but when in Manual mode, I like to have just one focus point and in this case, it was in the center...the birds. Usually one focus point isn't a problem...but it was this time. Love you anyway Mom! Thanks for trying!!


LC Photography said... was a good try. A for effect Grandma :)

Anonymous said...

She didn't mention that when she asked me to take their picture, I was running around trying to find a place for my Mother to watch the wedding from her wheel chair. I don't think it turned out so bad!!!