Monday, June 30, 2008

Fancy "Flowers"

A couple days ago, before David mowed, the boys picked some grass from the backyard that had already gone to seed. Thomas wanted to put it in a vase. So we did. Then a day or two later, Jonathan decided the arrangement could use some work and pulled out his grass and put in something much nicer...a black crayon.

Have you been missing me? I'm not promising to post one every day, but I hope to do better than I did last week. And hopefully, I'll have some really great shots from my cousin's wedding this weekend. The location looks beautiful in pictures.

1 comment:

LC Photography said...

Why yes, I've been missing you. In fact, I was just getting ready to email you and say.....ahhhhhh I need to see some pictures. Now, glad you are back - even if it isn't everyday this week.

The crayon perspective looks really distorted. Is the vase making it look alot bigger?

Funny story for sure!!!! Gotta love those younger siblings and how they see the world 100% different than the mature first borns :)