Friday, February 22, 2008

Lunar Eclipse

And now for my first attempt at lunar photography. I was out there for 30 minutes, in 16 degree weather that actually felt like 7, trying to photograph the lunar eclipse on Wednesday night and only got this one picture worth keeping.

And for added info on what's in my image, read this from

Moreover, this eclipse comes with a rare bonus. The planet Saturn (magnitude +0.2) and the bright bluish star, Regulus (magnitude +1.4) will form a broad triangle with the moon's ruddy disk.

Based on what I read, I'm pretty sure Saturn is on the left.


LC Photography said...

OMG!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! What a TERRIFIC PHOTO. I wanted to try it here in TX last night, but it was too cloudy.

This is your best photo yet!!!!!!!!!!! I think it was way worth being in the cold for this shot. Way to go Kim!

LC Photography said...

Your picture turned out like the diagram on That is awesome.

You should send it into somewhere! Maybe Kodak picture of the day.