Sunday, February 10, 2008


I saw this lovely patch of dandelions in my front yard the other night on our way to dinner. I wasn't thinking about pulling them. Nope, I was disappointed that I didn't have time to photograph them. The wind and my oldest child took care of the rest of that crop before I could try to photograph them the next day. Thankfully they grew back and I finally got to photograph some last night. It was a lot harder than I thought it would be: on my stomach, in the grass, hoping for no breeze and no neighbors, but it turned out really pretty. This is one shot that looks better once you click on it to view it larger.

1 comment:

LC Photography said...

Excellent job. To be grateful for weeds, is when you will get shots like this. I would have loved to been driving by your house while you were lying on the grass. I've done it too in my front yard and always hoped that no one saw me :)