Tuesday, January 5, 2010

Bad Auto

It sure is nice to know your camera! I was feeling lazy that morning and put my camera on Auto to take this shot of Grandma and Thomas. Auto was definitely fooled. Thought Barb particularly would enjoy seeing the differences since she's got a new DLSR and is learning how to use it. And my apologies to Grandma for posting a pic of her in her robe. You're still beautiful!
The snow outside totally threw off the meter and completely overexposed the image when I used Auto.
So I put it on Manual, exposed for the background (the snow outside) and voila. Well, except for the glare in Thomas' glasses and the cheesy grin. :-)

BTW, I took this photo because Thomas was giving Grandma the birdhouse he'd gotten for Christmas from my parents. He painted it and took it to Lubbock to show everyone. While there, he decided Grandma would enjoy having it and gave it to her.

1 comment:

LC Photography said...

Yes, much better in manual. Good example.