Tuesday, March 17, 2009

Artistic Water Day

That's what I'm calling it anyway. I have two examples for your viewing pleasure. The first I took in line waiting in line to get Thomas from school on Friday. The water looked a little muddy so I tried converting it to black and white. Still didn't like the results until I went blue. This was taken with my waterproof Olympus because I didn't have my big Nikon with me and the Olympus was in my purse. Now that I think about it, BOTH of these shots were taken with my Olympus.
And for the second pic, what do you get when you give a waterproof digital camera to a bunch of 6-9 year olds at a swim party? Lots of shots that I had to immediately delete! :-) But I also ended up with some pretty neat ones like this.

1 comment:

LC Photography said...

The water is very interesting. I love the color and think it is a great post processing you did.

A 6-9 year old perspective is always going to be different than ours. It is a nice change from the ordinary.